There seems to be a reoccurring weather theme with Sunday Race day.
Now if you recall 2 weeks ago I displayed an image of the forecast for Ocup #1 and our friendly weather man holding up his finger either to point out the rain in the sky or to suggest some other meaning. He's doing it again this week, Sunday, for the Albion Ocup # 2 near Bolton.
I won't knock on wood because I'm not a superstitious dude (besides all there is around me is plastic) but hopefully the weather man is just joshing us like he did last race since there wasn't a drip of rain for Ocup 1. I didn't even sweat.
I'm not complaining but instead of washing my bike off because of mud, I was blowing it off with compressed air form all the dust. No complains... Albion will be so fun if its dry.

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