Monday, May 16, 2011


Nolan Buchwald's B-day May 16 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Burnt Helmets Make Racing's Future

We can't all be elite racers especially when you've already peaked at 33 years old.
But we can take our best qualities, bottle it up, pass it on to the next generation. Although it will be a long wait, the wait will be worth it as the next unborn generation of Burnthelmets take over what we seasoned, wise, and energetic BH's know about racing.
When they do find their legs we may not be able to catch up but instead take on a new role of waiting by the feed station and shouting "You've got a 30 second lead! Go!"

Here is Ams a few days past her due date. Obviously the baby doesn't have hes/her race plate on yet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

24 Hours of Cribside

Thats Right one of the Burnthelmets is going to begin a different type of endurance event.  24 hours of Cribside.   Going to need lots of Gels and Eload to make it through this one.